Discussions for New Members

Discussions for New Members
How does exaltation come? Just what is the role of Jesus Christ in the plan of salvation? What are my responsibilities to proclaim the gospel? What about my deceased grandmother? She never got to hear about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. How fair is that??

These are precepts which are taught during the six new-member discussions, a subject near and dear to my heart. I remember being a missionary in Brazil and working with beloved new members. The gospel of Jesus Christ had opened a window of glorious vistas, a new way of life. Each new member's face shone as they grabbed the virtual “iron rod” that leads back to our Father in Heaven. If you are a new member to the church, congratulations. You have begun the same exciting new path of peace.

So now that you are here, where do you learn more about the gospel and how to apply it? You will continue an upward ascent to joy as you study the scriptures and pray daily for guidance. You will also receive counsel from your home- and visiting-teachers and from church leaders. And each of us learns better how to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ by attending worship services on Sunday. Through the grace of Christ we have become His. What a beautiful gift He has given us!

There could be many topics of learning. We read in Mosiah 5:13, "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" Each of us shows our love for the Savior by learning to know Him and thinking upon Him and His ways/teachings.

The Savior's teachings are beautiful and many. The church has reduced the many discussions which could exist into six vital lessons. Generally speaking, missionaries will attend your home to teach the first few of these discussions, accompanied by other church members. They will be discussing these things in greater depth. I will touch briefly upon each of the six topics during my next few articles.

I love the gospel. It brings peace to my life; I know it will bring peace to yours as you learn about it and work to apply it daily.

When an investigator chooses to follow Christ by being baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he or she receives the following new member discussions:

Discussion 1: Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation
Discussion 2: Exaltation Through Christ and His Church
Discussion 3: The Mission of the Church: Perfecting the Saints
Discussion 4: The Mission of the Church: Proclaiming the Gospel
Discussion 5: The Mission of the Church: Redeeming the Dead
Discussion 6: The Straight and Narrow Path

Look for the series of articles entitled “Gospel Teachings” listed under our archives section. And enjoy your growth in knowledge of Christ and His gospel.

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